Part 2 - Cloning a VM with Terraform

In this part you will clone a VM with Terraform. By the end of it you will have a VM you can SSH into. Make sure to have environment variables configured as described in part 1.

Edit Variables

Open terraform/terraform.tfvars.

  1. Set proxmox_api_url to your Proxmox VE API endpoint, with /api2/json suffix.
  2. Set proxmox_target_node to the Proxmox node you want to create the machine on.
  3. Set cloud_init_public_keys to your SSH public key. See related how-to guide for more information

Once done your file should look like this:

# Inside terraform/terraform.tfvars
proxmox_api_url        = ""
proxmox_target_node    = "bfte"
cloud_init_public_keys = <<EOF
ssh-ed25519 REDACTED

Applying the Configuration

Change to the terraform folder:

cd terraform

Initialize Terraform:

terraform init

Apply the Terraform module to clone the alpine-3.17.0-1 template to a new VM:

terraform apply

Ensure the plan creates a machine, and type yes to verify the Terraform plan and apply the resources.

When Terraform is done cloning the VM, it will print the ssh_ip and ssh_user you can use to connect to the VM:

Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


ssh_ip = ""
ssh_user = "robust-marmoset"

Connecting to the VM

Using the ssh_ip and ssh_user from the previous step, we can connect to the VM:

ssh robust-marmoset@ -p 2222

The template is configured to use port 2222 for SSH to leave port 22 open for Git servers and other applications.

Next Steps

Now that we have a VM, we are ready to configure it. Head over to the next part, where we will be configuring the VM with Ansible.