terraform_local plugin

This Ansible inventory plugin templates Ansible inventory from local Terraform state files.

It is used for populating Ansible inventory with VMs created with the machine Terraform module when using local Terraform state.

There is a sister terraform_http Ansible inventory plugin doing the same thing for Terraform state stored in GitLab HTTP state backend.


  • tfstate_path - Path to tfstate file, relative to Playbook root directory. Required.
  • hosts - List of hosts to add to the Ansible inventory. Required.

Each hosts entry contains the following options. All values accept template strings, which are rendered with Terraform outputs as context.

  • ansible_host - IP of the host. Required.
  • ansible_port - Port to use for SSH connection. Required.
  • ansible_group - Group to add the host to. Required.
  • vars - Dictionary of additional host vars to add.


Assuming you have a Terraform module located in ../terraform relative to the Ansible Playbook root, with machine_ssh_ip, and machine_ssh_user outputs. This inventory config reads the Terraform state file and adds a host to the production group:

# Inside inventory/production.yaml
plugin: lkummer.homelab.terraform_local
tfstate_path: ../terraform/terraform.tfstate
  - ansible_host: '{{ machine_ssh_ip }}'
    ansible_group: production
    ansible_port: '2222'
      ansible_user: '{{ machine_ssh_user }}'

Note it is designed to integrate with outputs from machine Terraform modules.