observability role

This Ansible role configures a full observability stack, including: Prometheus Operator, Grafana Agent, Grafana, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Loki, Promtail, Tempo, and OpenTelemetry Collector.

It is designed to configure VMs cloned using the machine Terraform module, and configured with k3s Ansible role. It integrates with the ClusterIssuer deployed by default by the cert_manager role for issuing TLS certificates.

The default Prometheus instance should be used for scraping metrics from apps running in the cluster. Prometheus Operator PodMonitor and ServiceMonitor resources should be used to configure scraping of metrics.

This role uses Cert Manager for generating certificates for the OpenTelemetry Operator. Make sure to install the cert_manager role first.


  • observability_kube_prometheus_stack_chart_version - Version of prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart to deploy. Default is 45.8.1.
  • observability_loki_chart_version - Version of grafana/loki Helm chart to deploy. Default is 4.8.0.
  • observability_promtail_chart_version - Version of grafana/promtail Helm chart to deploy. Default is 6.8.1.
  • observability_tempo_chart_version - Version of grafana/tempo Helm chart to deploy. Default is 1.0.2.
  • observability_opentelemetry_operator_chart_version - Version of OpenTelemetry Operator Helm chart to deploy. Default is 0.23.0.
  • observability_grafana_host - Host for Grafana. Required.
  • observability_grafana_user - Username of the Grafana admin. Required.
  • observability_grafana_password - Password of the Grafana admin. Required.
  • observability_service_monitor_selector - Additional labels for default Prometheus instance ServiceMonitor selector. Default is {}.
  • observability_pod_monitor_selector - Additional labels for default Prometheus instance PodMonitor selector. Default is {}.

The Ingress for Grafana is annotated to use the letsencrypt ClusterIssuer configured by cert_manager role. Make sure observability_grafana_host is in the zone (domain) the ClusterIssuer is configured for.

Example Playbook

Given a production group in the Ansible inventory, this playbook installs a single node K3s cluster and configures the monitoring setup on each host:

- name: Configure Kubernetes cluster
  hosts: production
    - role: lkummer.homelab.k3s
    - role: lkummer.homelab.cert_manager
        cert_manager_cloudflare_email: you@example.com
        cert_manager_cloudflare_token: REDACTED
        cert_manager_cloudflare_zone: example.com
    - role: lkummer.homelab.prometheus
        observability_grafana_host: grafana.example.com
        observability_grafana_user: admin
        observability_grafana_password: REDACTED

It is recommended to use Ansible Vault to encrypt secrets stored in infrastructure repositories.

The default Prometheus instance will scrape PodMonitor and ServiceMonitor resources labelled release: prometheus. You may set additional labels to scrape with the observability_service_monitor_selector and observability_pod_monitor_selector role variables.

For example, the following PodMonitor will configure the default Prometheus instance to scrape pods for metrics:

apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: PodMonitor
  name: example-podmonitor
    release: prometheus
      app.kubernetes.io/name: example
    - port: http
      path: /metrics
      - example