cert_manager role

This Ansible role installs Cert Manager operator and configures a ClusterIssuer that issues Let’s Encrypt certificates.

It is designed to configure VMs cloned using the machine Terraform module, and configured with k3s Ansible role.

The ClusterIssuer configured by this role issues certificates by solving ACME DNS01 challenge automatically through Cloudflare DNS API. This configuration only works for domains using Cloudflare DNS.


  • cert_manager_chart_version - Cert Manager operator Helm chart version to use. Default is v1.10.1.
  • cert_manager_production_server - Use Let’s Encrypt production environment when true, staging environment when false. Default is false.
  • cert_manager_clusterissuer_name - Name of ClusterIssuer resource to create. Default is letsencrypt.
  • cert_manager_cloudflare_email - Email for Cloudflare authentication and Let’s Encrypt account. Required.
  • cert_manager_cloudflare_token - Token for Cloudflare authentication. Required.
  • cert_manager_cloudflare_zone - DNS zone (domain) to issue certificates for. Required.

For cert_manager_cloudflare_token permissions see Cert Manager documentation. Make sure to generate a token with access for only the specific zone (domain) used.

Example Playbook

Given a production group in the Ansible inventory, this playbook installs a single node K3s cluster and Cert Manager on said cluster.

Head to Cloudflare dashboard and create an API token with the permissions specified by Cert Manager documentation.

- name: Configure Kubernetes cluster
  hosts: production
    - role: lkummer.homelab.k3s
    - role: lkummer.homelab.cert_manager
        cert_manager_cloudflare_email: you@example.com
        cert_manager_cloudflare_token: REDACTED
        cert_manager_cloudflare_zone: example.com

It is recommended to use Ansible Vault to encrypt secrets stored in infrastructure repositories.

Cert Manager is configured to create a ClusterIssuer called letsencrypt, which will issue certificates for example.com.

You can now use the letsencrypt ClusterIssuer, for example to issue a certificate for an Ingress resource:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: example-ingress
    cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt
    - http:
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: example
                  name: http
      host: example.com
    - hosts:
        - example.com
      secretName: example-tls