argo role

This Ansible role configures Argo CD.

It is designed to configure VMs cloned using the machine Terraform module, and configured with k3s and observability Ansible roles. It optionally integrates with the ClusterIssuer deployed by default by the cert_manager Ansible role.

This role configures Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor resources to scrape metrics from Argo CD. Make sure to install the observability role first.


  • argo_host - Host for Argo CD UI. Required.
  • argo_chart_version - Argo CD chart version to deploy. Default is 5.16.2.
  • argo_cert_manager_enabled - Create Cert Manager Certificate resources for UI Ingress. Default is true.
  • argo_cert_manager_issuer_kind - Kind of Cert Manager Issuer to use for UI Ingress certificate. Default is ClusterIssuer.
  • argo_cert_manager_issuer_name - Issuer name to use for UI Ingress certificate. Default is letsencrypt.

The password for the admin account is automatically generated and stored in argocd-initial-admin-secret Secret in the argo-cd Namespace. See instructions below for decoding it to access the UI.

Example Playbook

Given a production group in the Ansible inventory, this playbook installs a single node K3s cluster and configures Argo CD and monitoring on each host:

- name: Configure Kubernetes cluster
  hosts: production
    - role: lkummer.homelab.k3s
    - role: lkummer.homelab.cert_manager
        cert_manager_cloudflare_token: REDACTED
    - role: lkummer.homelab.observability
        observability_grafana_user: admin
        observability_grafana_password: REDACTED
    - role: lkummer.homelab.argo
        # Remove if you also installed Cert Manager.
        argo_cert_manager_enabled: false

Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to the K3s config in the secrets directory. See instructions in k3s role example.

The password for the admin account is automatically generated and stored in argocd-initial-admin-secret Secret in the argo-cd Namespace. Use the following command to decode it:

kubectl get --namespace argo-cd secrets/argocd-initial-admin-secret --output 'jsonpath={.data.password}' | base64 -d