How to build the Proxmox template

This guide shows you how to build a Proxmox template from the Packer Alpine cloud image repository.

You should build the cloud image manually only when bootstrapping. If you have access to a GitLab instance, use GitLab CI instead.


This guide assumes you are working on Linux. Use latest Ubuntu LTS for best compatibility.

Inside the Packer Alpine repository, set the PROXMOX_URL, PROXMOX_USERNAME and PROXMOX_TOKEN environment variables. It is recommended to use a .env file to manage credentials during development:

# Inside .env
export PROXMOX_URL=''
export PROXMOX_USERNAME='user@pve!token'
export PROXMOX_TOKEN='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'

The .env file can be used with source .env.

Building the Image

Open a shell inside the Packer Alpine repository. Make sure to have environment variables set with credentials as described above.

We will build from a tag to get a stable build. Find the latest tag in the Packer Alpine repository. You may use this command:

git tag | tail -n 1

When writing this guide, the tag is 3.17.0-1. Replace it with the latest tag when reading.

git checkout 3.17.0-1

Install the required Packer plugins:

packer init alpine.pkr.hcl

Copy the secrets.example.pkr.hcl file to secrets.pkr.hcl. Set proxmox_node to the Proxmox node you want to create the template on. Set ssh_password to a random string, it does not matter as it is locked before cloning.

Build the Packer image with the following command. Make sure to edit the template_name_suffix variable with the tag you are building.

packer build --var-file secrets.pkr.hcl --var template_name_suffix=-3.17.0-1-manual alpine.pkr.hcl

For this guide I have also added -manual to the template name to differentiate the image being built from images built by the CI pipeline.

You should now have a Proxmox template called alpine-3.17.0-1-manual. It is ready to be cloned with the machine Terraform module.


If your build did not succeed, try following these steps:

  • Set PACKER_LOG=1 for debug logs.
  • Make sure your PROXMOX_URL has the /api2/json path.
  • Make sure your PROXMOX_USERNAME is of the form user@realm!token.
  • Make sure your PROXMOX_TOKEN has the privileges specified in the Proxmox API Tokens how-to guide.
  • Check out the build-packer job in .gitlab-ci.yml and see if you are doing anything differently.