How to provision infrastructure with GitLab CI

This tutorial walks you through cloning the example repository and configuring credentials for it’s CI pipeline.

If you are looking to set up automation for an existing repository, check out the pipeline configuration as an example.



Create a new GitLab project. Do not push any commits to it yet. Make sure it is private CI artifacts may contain secrets.

If you want to provision infrastructure locally, prepare your local environment.

Creating SSH key for provisioning

Create an SSH key for use in CI jobs:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ci_key -C tutorial -P ''

Populating GitLab CI variables

In the GitLab project you created in the previous step, go to “Settings”, “CI/CD”. Expand the “Variables” section.

Create the following environment variables:

  • PM_API_TOKEN_ID ID of the form user@pve!token
  • PM_API_TOKEN_SECRET secret of the ID stored in PM_API_TOKEN_ID
  • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE (file) content of ci_key, make sure it ends with an empty line
  • SSH_PUBLIC_KEY content of
  • ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE (file, protected) Ansible Vault password

Leave ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE unset if you do not need Ansible Vault.

Delete the keys we created earlier:

rm ci_key


Now that we have configured the project we can push the example repository:

git remote set-url origin
git push

Once the build-terraform job is done you can view the Terraform plan, and manually trigger a deployment.