Recommended Folder Layout

This page describes the recommended folder layout for multi-environment infrastructure repositories. We will be looking at a repository with development, staging and production environments:

Terraform Modules

Each subfolder of the terraform folder corresponds to an environment, and contains a Terraform module provisioning VMs for that environment.

The subfolders should follow the Terraform module structure.

Separate Terraform modules are used for environments to separate the Terraform state of each environment, avoiding state locking conflicts.

Managing Credentials

It is recommended to manage Proxmox credentials for Terraform in a .env file. See guide on configuring Proxmox credentials for more information.

Never commit .env files to version control. The point of using environment variables is that they are easy to keep out of version control.

Ansible Playbook

The playbook layout is inspired by Ansible’s recommended layout. Only differences are that main.yml contains the playbook itself, and an inventory folder is used for inventory configs.


Inventory configs use terraform_local or terraform_http inventory plugins to construct inventory for each environment based on Terraform state.

It is recommended to split hosts to groups based on environments. Then we can use group_vars to configure the different environments.

Managing Secrets

If possible, it is recommended to use a secret management service such as Hashicorp Vault.

Use Ansible Vault if it is impractical to use a secret management service. Keep repositories using Ansible Vault private. If an old vault password leaks secrets may be extracted from Git history.

Never commit plain text secrets to version control.