Quick Start Guide

All you need to know to get started with Container Env.


Python 3.8 or higher is required.


Container Env is available on PyPI as container-env.

$ pip install container-env


Container Env helps create environment variable based configuration. When using Docker Compose or Kubernetes, the easiest way to manage options is through environment variables.

The get_environment() function helps read options from the environment. It has a special twist, it can also read files. Making integration with different ways to store secrets seamless.

Consider the following snippet from a Django settings.py file:

from container_env import get_environment

SECRET_KEY = get_environment("DJANGO_KEY")

If a DJANGO_KEY environment variable exists, it’s value will be used.

If a DJANGO_KEY_FILE environment variable exists and contains a path to a file, the content of the file will be used.

This enables great flexibility. Options can be managed using environment variables. Any option can be used with secrets. Making your Python containers easy to manage with any container orchestration tool.

To learn more see the full API documentation.