Getting Started

This guide goes through installation and a basic example.

It is assumed you are already familiar with CSS Media Queries. If not, check out the beginner’s guide on MDN.

Thanks to the advent of modern CSS, it has become very easy to systemize almost anything. Almost anything, that is. Systemizing media queries is still challenging, as CSS custom properties can not be used within them.

The challenge of creating a consistent responsive experience across an entire website has motivated the creation of Break.

Downloading Break

Break is available on NPM. It can be installed via NPM or Yarn:

# For NPM users:
$ npm add --save-dev @lkummer/break
# Or if using Yarn:
$ yarn add --dev @lkummer/break

It is recommended to save Break as a development dependency. As a Sass library, it is only used at build time.

Note the library is built for Dart Sass and uses the module system.

Importing Break

Once isntalled, Break can be imported in your project.

@use '@lkummer/break' as break;

Note importing this way is only possible when using a bundler that looks up Node modules, such as Webpack.

Basic Example

With everything up and running we can try a quick example.

Defining Breakpoints

Breakpoints are defined by a map containing a key for each breakpoint. Each breakpoint is a map of upper and lower bounds.

$breakpoints: (
  'small': (
    'upper': 600px
  'medium': (
    'lower': 601px,
    'upper': 900px
  'large': (
    'lower': 901px

Leave the lowest and highest bounds unset for the best results. This helps break generate minimal media queries.

Note the breakpoint map keys must be named exactly lower and upper.

Creating Media Queries

With the breakpoints defined we can try out a mixin. Say we want a grid layout that switches from displaying two columns to displaying a single column on any screen size smaller than small.

The media-under($key, $breakpoints) mixin fits the job. It creates a media query enabled for screen sizes smaller than the upper bound of the provided breakpoint key.

@use '@lkummer/break' as break;

.grid {
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

  @include'small', $breakpoints) {
    grid-template-columns: 1fr;

Once processed, the media query is created:

.grid {
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

  @media (max-width: 600px) {
    grid-template-columns: 1fr;

Break only provides Sass mixins to keep the output as minimal as possible.

To learn about all mixins available in Break see the mixins guide.