Satellite is built using a custom Webpack setup which processes SCSS
and copies files to different folders in order to use Sass without requiring
extended Hugo and reduce folder nesting.
The Webpack Hugo theme boilerplate is available on Github.
Folder Structure
The project has a somewhat unique folder structure for a Hugo theme as it uses Webpack to build the theme itself.
is copied to the theme’s layouts folder.public/
is copied to the theme’s root folder.src/
source files, including the Webpack entry pointsrc/index.js
contains the demo website.doc/
contains the documentation website.
Style Architecture
The stylesheets are following the SMACSS architecture,
and make ample use of Sass’ &
operator to create nicely organized stylesheets.
The stylesheets reside in the src/style/
folder, the usual SMACSS folders can
be found inside.
Pretty much everything is parameterized with CSS custom properties. Custom property
definitions can be found in src/style/theme/
Each part of the theme uses a separate color family to for better color customization by end users. For example, the top navigation bar uses secondary colors.