Search Engine Optimizations

Do you need Google enhanced search results and enhanced social media sharing? This page documents Satellite’s SEO related configuration options.


The title and params.seo.description configuration options can be used to set a title and description for your website.

title = "Satellite"

  description = "Satellite Hugo theme demo."

In content pages, the title and description of the current page are used.

Twitter and Facebook

Twitter and facebook allow specifying an image for your website. Additionally, Twitter allows choosing card types.

Twitter card can be chosen with params.seo.twitterCard, it can be set to summary, summary_large_image, app or player.

Use params.seo.images.ogPath, params.seo.images.ogHeight and params.seo.images.ogWidth to the preferred image for your website. Make sure to place your image in the static/ folder. The example below uses an image in a static/images/ folder.

  twitterCard = "summary"
    ogPath = "images/image.png"
    ogHeight = "1080"
    ogWidth = "1920"


Google allows specifying multiple images for your page. For best results, use images at least 1200 pixels wide and in 1x1, 4x3 and 16x9 aspect ratios.

Use the params.seo.images.ldPaths array to specify your preferred images. Make sure to place your images in the static/ folder. The example below uses images in a static/images/ folder.

    ldPaths = [

Config Example

Below is a site configuration example in TOML format.

  description = "Satellite Hugo theme demo."
  twitterCard = "summary"
    ldPaths = [
    ogPath = "images/image.png"
    ogHeight = "1080"
    ogWidth = "1920"

Note that in this example, images are places in a static/images/ folder.