Icons and Logos

Want to make your Satellite website pop with beautiful SVG logos? This page contains everything you need to know to configure the customizable icons and logos of your Satellite website.


The favicon can be customized using the params.icons.favicon configuration option. However, you also need to host your favicon.

Place the favicon in the static/ folder of the website. It is recommended to use a subfolder, such as static/images/. With your icon in the static folder, set params.icons.favicon to the relative path of your favicon.

For example, Using static/images/favicon.svg:

  favicon = "images/favicon.svg"

The navigation bar logo can be customized using the params.icons.navbarIcon configuration option. Note the navigation bar logo is completely optional and Satellite is designed to look great even without it.

params.icons.navbarIcon should contain an SVG logo with the navbar-logo-icon class applied.

To create hover animations, use the --logo-hover custom property. Normally set to 0, when users hover over the navigation bar logo (and text) it is set to 1.

Check out the demo site configuration for an example.